The NW8-mums WhatsApp groups are beaming with activity and they keep growing in numbers. Running the groups free of charge is simply not unsustainable any longer. From September 2024 onwards an annual fee of £10/person to join/stay in the groups will be introduced; that includes access to all the WhatsApp groups. Please see further down for a list of WhatsApp groups currently running.
Alternatively, you can take out a loyalty card membership fee £30/year which gives you access to all the WhatsApp groups as well as lots of offers from various providers. To join the loyalty card scheme, please use the tab belo to purchase your loyalty card.
Below are the current WhatsApp groups
Age groups:
- Pregnancy group
- Under 12 months group
- 1-3 age group
- 3-6 age group
- 6-10 age group
- Pre-teen/teen group
Buy & Sell and Home Help Groups:
- Buy & sell group KIDS – newborn-3
- Buy & sell group KIDS – 4+
- Buy & sell group ADULTS & HOME
- Find a Nanny, babysitter, housekeeper, cook, cleaner group
Individual Specific Groups:
- Single/Solo parents
- NW8-dads
- Working mums & returning to work support
- Networking group
- Dog owners group
Specific Support Groups:
- Twins support group
- Breastfeeding support group
- Preemie support group
- IVF support
- Miscarriage support
- HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) support
- Postnatal, postnatal depression & anxiety support
- Divorce/separation support (women only)
SEND Support Groups:
- ADHD/ADD support group
- ASD (Autism) support group
- Dyslexia support group
- Speech delay support group
Health Support Groups:
- Cancer Support Group
- Allergy support group
- Asthma/Wheezing support group
- Febrile Seizure support group
- Peri-menopause & menopause support group
Language Specific Groups:
- Japanese speaking group
- German speaking group
- Portuguese speaking group
- Spanish speaking group
- Swedish speaking group
- Turkish speaking group